Nationality of Foundlings: Avoiding Statelessness among Children of Unknown Parents under International Nationality Law By Mai Kaneko-Iwase
(Springer 2021) 443 pages. Price $149.99. ISBN 9789811630040
Mai Kaneko-Iwase's publication Nationality of Foundlings is an essential contribution filling gaps in understanding of international law and State practice in granting nationality to children found in a State’s territory. The volume identifies lack of clarity in international law’s provisions regarding foundlings—including lack of clarity in the term ‘foundling’ itself. A key contribution of the volume is its compilation and analysis of foundling provisions in the nationality laws of all UN member states. Nationality of Foundlings identifies policy solutions to minimize statelessness and maximize child protection. The volume argues that nationality law should protect children found in a State’s territory in situations where their parentage is not legally established and recommends model legislation to ensure broad protection against childhood statelessness.